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Table 3 Drug usage pattern among adult patients with asthma and anti-asthmatic medication adherence at ambulatory care units of selected public hospitals Northwestern Ethiopia, 2021 (N = 409)

From: Level of asthma control and its determinants among adults living with asthma attending selected public hospitals in northwestern, Ethiopia: using an ordinal logistic regression model


Number (%)

Salbutamol puff PRN + Beclomethasone puff Bid

313 (76.5%)

Salbutamol puff PRN + Prednisolone oral daily

25 (6.1%)

Salbutamol puff PRN + Beclomethasone puff Bid + Prednisolone

47 (11.5%)

Salbutamol puff PRN + Beclomethasone puff Bid+ theophylline daily

6 (1.5%)

Salbutamol puff PRN + Budesonide puff bid

4 (1%)

Theophylline +Salbutamol puff PRN

4 (1%)

Theophylline +Salbutamol puff PRN + prednisolone daily

1 (.2%)

Fluticasone puff +Salbutamol puff PRN

2 (0.5%)

Beclomethasone puff bid+ salbutamol puff PRN + symicort

2 (.5%)


3 (.7%)

Oral SABA +salbutamol puff

2 (0.5%)

Medication adherent


57 (13.9%)


352 (86.1%)

Dose of the anti-asthmatic drug


305 (74.6%)


104 (25.4%)

Appropriateness of drug selection based on severity


291 (71.1%)


118 (28.8%)

Healthcare providers adherence to guidelines


320 (78.2%)


89 (21.8%)

Patient information provided


304 (74.3%)


105 (25.7%)

Patient relationship with healthcare provider


375 (91.7%)


34 (8.3%)