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Table 2 Clinical characteristics and triggering factors of adult patients with asthma attending ambulatory care units of selected public hospitals Northwestern Ethiopia, 2021 (N = 409)

From: Level of asthma control and its determinants among adults living with asthma attending selected public hospitals in northwestern, Ethiopia: using an ordinal logistic regression model


Number (%)

Age of onset (year)

 <  12 years

98 (24%)

 ≥ 12 years

311 (76%)

Duration on medication (years median (IQR))

3 (6)

 < 1 year

93 (22.7%)

 1–5 years

180 (44%)

 5–10 years

87 (21.3%

 > 10 years

49 (12%)

Exacerbations in the last 12 months


217 (53.1%)


192 (46.9%)

Time to emergency visit after start of maintenance therapy (In month) (IQR)

11.95 (13.6)

Hospitalization in the last 12 months:


136 (33.3%)


273 (66.7%)

Admitted to ICU (intubated) in the last 12 months


25 (6.1%)


284 (93.9%)

Oral steroid use


152 (37.2%)


257 (62.8%)

Oral SABA use


253 (61.9%)


156 (38.1%)

Asthma severity stage


25 (6.1%)

 Mild persistent

107 (26.2%)

 Moderate persistent

232 (56.7%)

 Severely persistent

45 (11%)

Lung function test (±SD)

 FEVs 1, percent predicted

74.3 (5.31)

 FVC 1, percent predicted

78.08 (5.63)

 FEV1,% predicted

82.3 (9.45)