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Table 3 Sputum cell characteristics, CXC3R ligands, and IL-8 stratified by subjects’ sputum eosinophil and neutrophil percentages

From: CXC chemokine superfamily induced by Interferon-γ in asthma: a cross-sectional observational study



Eosinophil-predominant or Neutrophil-predominant

Mixed granulocytic

Healthy subjects


P value*

Subjects, n


22 (Eos/Neu, 19/3 )




Cell population in sputum

 % Squamous

30.5 (14.1)

18.5 (11.8)

12.2 (8.0) †, ‡

30.4 (11.3)


 % Mac

40.2 (12.1) †, §

28.9 (13.1)

15.5 (8.0)

19.6 (19.7)


 % Lym

4.7 (4.2)

9.7 (6.3)

4.1 (2.6)

6.3 (7.7)

N. S.

 % Neu

23.7 (9.7)

30.4 (17.6)

57.1 (10.7) װ, ¶, #

32.6 (26.9)


 % Eos

1.0 (0.6)

13.9 (14.5) ††, ‡‡

10.9 (11.5)

0.5 (1.0)


 % Eos + % Neu

24.6 (10.2)

45.1 (19.0) †, ‡

68.1 (10.5)§§, װװ, ¶¶

21.6 (5.5)


CXC chemokine in sputum

 IP-10 (pg/mL)

31.2 (31.2–242.1)

31.2 (31.2–156.6)

221.5 (92.7–411.6) §§,¶¶

31.2 (31.2–31.2)


 Mig (pg/mL)

588.1 (105.1–902.6) ##

763.3 (62.5–1916.0) ##

1938.1 (1121.1–2757.7) §§, †††

62.5 (62.5–62.5)


 I-TAC (pg/mL)

7.8 (7.8–26.6)

7.8 (7.8–16.2)

7.8 (7.8–244.3)

7.8 (7.8–7.8)

N. S.

 IL-8 (Log, pg/mL)

2336.4 (3.2, 697.1–3734.5) ‡‡‡

4079.4 (3.4, 957.7–4947.5) §§§

13305.5 (3.9, 1373.5–28075.2) §§§, װװװ

622.0 (2.9, 276.3–1709.6)


  1. Data are presented as means (SD) unless otherwise indicated. Nonparametric data are shown as medians (25 to75 %)
  2. *P values are calculated with the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann–Whitney U test for nonparametric data and ANOVA for variables with a parametric distribution. Initial analyses with a significant difference are further explored by post hoc pairwise analyses (Bonferroni correction). Mac, Macrophages; Lym, Lymphocytes; Eos, eosinophils; Neu, neutrophils
  3. v. s. Healthy,† p = 0.01; װ p = 0.03; †† p = 0.006; §§ p < 0.0001; ## p = 0.04; ‡‡‡ p = 0.05; §§§ p = 0.002
  4. v. s. Pauci, ‡ p = 0.01; ¶ p = 0.003; ‡‡ p = 0.02; װװ p < 0.0001; ††† p = 0.008; װװװ p = 0.05
  5. v. s. Eosinophil-predominant or Neutrophil-predominant, # p = 0.006; ¶¶ p = 0.04
  6. v. s. Mixed, § p = 0.005